Photo by Eudyptula from Shutterstock
  • Appenzeller sennenhund – Coming from Switzerland, these medium-sized doggies are extremely cheerful, smart, and energetic. Even if they’re characterized by a friendly attitude, they are naturally wary of strangers. They’re naturally fearless, and can’t be stopped from protecting their families. Appenzeller feel better when they’re in a colder climate and they need a lot of space, so they’re not made for apartment living.
  • Beauceron – These dogs look a lot like Doberman pinschers, and they’re the largest French sheepdogs out there. They have a calm demeanor and they’re very confident, and fearless. However, they will need firm training, in order to prevent them from dominating their families.
  • Belgian Malinois – The Belgian Malinois has been used for a long time for police work, and they received a moment of fame when one dog named Cairo helped the Navy SEAL Team 6 take down Osama bin Laden in 2011. This dog is very similar to the German shepherd, being intelligent, loyal, and a great choice for a guard dog.
  • Black Russian terrier – These massive dogs were bred to be “super dogs” for the Russian army back in the 1930s. As history says, a team of scientists gathered genes from 17 other breeds to develop this friendly-looking dog.
  • Chesapeake Bay retriever – This is allegedly the most protective of the sporting dogs. Even if it’s sensitive and devoted, a Chessie can be extremely stubborn and not nearly as friendly with strangers as other retrievers.
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