Photo by Mary Swift / Shutterstock

Staffordshire and Pit Bull Terriers

Unfortunately, these dog breeds have a bad reputation, but with the right family, they can be the most affectionate and kind dogs in the world! With proper training and socialization, these dogs will become very good companions for children as well.

They are loving, gentle with people and devoted to their family. These dog breeds are extremely intelligent and they can easily learn the commands and tricks. Staffordshire and Pit Bull Terriers love to be surrounded by humans and to show affection. These dogs have a very friendly attitude with everyone, being extremely devoted and caring.

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25 thoughts on “”

  1. Excuse me BUT ShihTzus LOVE to cuddle as I have 2 of my own and they love snuggling up to their daddy and getting belly rubs and treats and long walks!

    1. Yes, Patrick. I have owned, or should I say they owned me, Shih Tzus and they are so sweet and loving! Mine have died in the past two years and I miss them so much.

  2. I do not agree with your selection of Stafford shires, as I have had many interactions with them and their owners. Also, the picture you posted of the collie looks more like an aussie shepherd than a collie.A Piscitelli

    1. I was thinking the same thing! I strongly believe any dog that you build a chemistry with can be the most lovable dogs. Association is key to getting a well rounded dog. I’ve had Cocker Spaniels, Dalmatians, and GSD’s in my lifetime. All very well rounded except this last one I got. He’s sociable like the others, however, he’s also has very dominant traits. I’m disabled and older and needed something to help with my disabilities and protection if needed. He’s extremely lovable and always wants to be petted. Whatever dog anyone gets, I’m 95% sure that you’ll receive what you put into that relationship with your dog! Be good!!

  3. I am on my 5th shi Tsu. I always tell people that the only thing you have to worry about shi tsus is they may lick you to death.

    They are not good watch dogs . If someone came to the door with a gun, they would lick the barrel

    1. My SHI TSU will let me know if any stranger comes to the door. Most well trained and and loves to be loved, I have had two and both had allergies,

  4. They also left out the sweet natured, loving Maltese! Our little girl loves to cuddle and loves her belly rubs. Not a mean bone in her tiny body!

  5. Harriet Fiering

    I have 2 Yorkie Grand-dogs. When I visit, they can’t wait until I sit down so that they can jump into my lap for pets and cuddles.

  6. I have two very loving dogs. The older is a Shi-Tsu mix. She is my faithful lap dog companion at home. She follows me everywhere. Outdoors she is extremely protective and will chase away any larger dog than herself, no mater how big until she knows them better. My younger dog is the sweetest most loving Bichon Frize. She makes friends with any human who acknowledges her. She will lick your face ,arms but let her approach you first or she will back away.

  7. And, what about the Yorkies. They are very lovable but also very stubborn and have a mind of their own. Mine kisses the feet of everyone who comes to the door. She lives in my lap so I call it her lap, no longer mine!!! Lots of allergies, also.

  8. I have had or co-parented 3 mini-Schnauzers in a row, and they are incredibly loving, intuitive, and snuggly. My current one is 5 years old, and still comes up to sit on my lap or place his muzzle on my thigh, unbidden. He cuddles with me when I go to bed before going to his own at the foot of it. He is pure love.

  9. I have had 15 or so dogs in my life…….and now I have 2 Golden Retrievers……That speaks for it self. Goldens are the most gentle, sweet and family dog one could ever had. Now shedding is another story. But I will take all the shedding to have my goldens. Best dog ever….Denny

  10. I agree with you guys and the goldens. I have a very affectionate golden granddog. Also I think cocker spaniels should be added. Basically, I think just about ANY dog can be that way with the right owner. A dog is much like a child in that respect. If you teach a child to be loving and affectionate they usually will be. Dogs are smarter than non-owners give them credit for. They are very intelligent beings! I know I would be lost without mine! 🐶🐾🐶💕

  11. I had my Newfoundland for about 8 years. Their one drawback is their short life span. I was very active with him during his lifetime. I went though obedience classes with him and he was easy to train. Through the class I went to, we formed a dog group and our activities especially included entering our dog drill team into local parades. We were extremely popular and the dogs behaved perfectly. I live in a neighborhood with access to a community lakefront park. During the summer especially, I would take the Newfie (his name was Teddy, as in Teddy Bear), to the lake for his daily swim. His life was short but we tried to make it the best life we could.

  12. Love my Munchkin!! He is 5 now, and going strong. He loves to ride in the car with me, and, Yes, I never go to the bathroom alone since he came to live in our home. Munchkin is very verbal!! This little guy is deep in my being.

  13. I have a Manchester Terrier who is very loyal. I feed her when l leave for work and l may not see her for another 12 hours. She may wait for most of the day and eat when l get home. She is 9 to 10 pounds of solid love. She sleeps with me. She is very healthy and creates almost no vet bills other than routine care. She is very intelligent, and her short hair make her easy to care for. Her breed is long lived. For me her small size and great personality are a great asset to my life. She has only dirtied my bathroom twice in three years. The strange part that she was a rescue from a young lady who died of an accident.
    Stay well and l pray you are as blessed as l am.

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