10 Super Tiny Animals That Prove Our World Is Beautiful

When it comes to super tiny animals, people tend to think about piglets, kittens, puppies and other animals that can be carried in a purse, right? But what many people don’t know is that there are a lot of tiny animals that remain that way for the rest of their lives (whether they are babies or adults), and you have never heard of. 

The smallest animals in the world found in this article are so beautiful that your heart will instantly melt with happiness, and their size is no bigger than the palm of your hand. Can you imagine an adult monkey the size of a human palm or a phone? 

However, even though they are less popular because they live in the wild and it is illegal to adopt them, they actually have a lot of impressive qualities. Of course, we have to admit that just like any other animal, especially one that lives in the wild, many of these small animals can be aggressive and dangerous, especially when they feel threatened.

So, even though they are tiny and super cute creatures, it doesn’t mean that they are less dangerous or that we can touch them, especially when we meet them in their natural environment.

That being said, let’s look at some of the smallest animals on Earth that will definitely conquer your soul and impress you with their personality traits. Read on to find out more!

Photo by Tom Reichner from Shutterstock


The pika is one of the smallest mammals found in Asia and North American mountains that has tiny legs and a tailless egg-shaped body. They are closely related to rabbits, but the only difference is their short, rounded ears. In general, pikas weigh between 125 and 200 grams and are about 15 cm in length. 

According to health experts, pikas are considered some of the toughest animals in America. Moreover, these cute animals can live their whole lives in the mountains. As you probably know, pikas are herbivores, which means that their diet is based on plants, including weeds, grasses and wildflowers that can usually be found in the mountains. Generally, they gather food during the summer for the lean times. 

These small creatures live in colonies because this way they can alert each other when a predator appears. Even though they save up food during the warm months, they don’t hibernate in winter. Pikas are also active during the day. 

When it comes to breeding, pikas can reproduce in spring and summer and the female is pregnant for a month. Babies can’t survive without the help and care of their mother. They can live up to seven years. 

Brookesia Micra

Did you know that Brookesia Micra is the world’s tiniest chameleon? Yes, it’s true! Only recently discovered, this fascinating creature can be found on a small island called Nosy Hara, in Madagascar. This tiny creature can grow up to 29 mm in length and live up to ten years in captivity. 

Being recently discovered by researchers, information about the lifestyle of this incredible creature is limited. In addition, since the discovery of this species of small chameleons, researchers have found three more species of tiny chameleons. However, Brookesia Micra is considered one of the smallest vertebrates ever found on this planet. 

Moreover, this tiny creature was discovered by a team of researchers led by Frank Glaw. Glaw said that finding them can be quite difficult, but once spotted, they are easy to catch. 

The researchers said that these tiny chameleons, namely all four species, are active during the day, but they climb trees when it’s time to sleep.

Pygmy Possum

The pygmy possums are some of the cutest and smallest animals on Earth that will instantly melt your heart. These tiny animals can be found in Australia, Papua New Guinea and Indonesia. It’s hard not to love them when you see them, right?  

Pygmy possums are not only just pure souls in beautiful and tiny bodies, but they are also excellent climbers with a smart mind that play an important role in pollinating various plants. Even though they are good climbers, they spend most of their time on the ground.

The pygmy possum family forms the marsupial family called Burramyidae. These small animals can grow up to 12 cm in length and weigh between ten to fifty grams. They are nocturnal animals, so they are active during the night and omnivorous, feeding on invertebrates, fruits, seeds, nectar and pollen. During the night, pygmy possums eat nectar and pollen from eucalypts, banksias and bottlebrushes.

The female pygmy possum can be pregnant between late spring and autumn and can give birth to up to eight babies. Unfortunately, these tiny species of possums don’t live more than five years in the wild.

The most common predators of pigmy possums are owls, Tasmanian devils, dingoes, quolls, goannas and snakes. Spending most of their time in their nests, especially because they are active at night, they are usually vulnerable to harsh activities in agricultural work that can kill them. 

Photo by Wang LiQiang from Shutterstock

Bee Hummingbird

The bee hummingbird, also known as zunzuncito or Helena hummingbird, is the world’s smallest bird and can be found in Cuba. In general, female bee hummingbirds are larger than males and weigh 2.6 grams and are 6 cm long. Moreover, the female occasionally lays only two eggs and they are as big as a coffee bean.

This tiny species of hummingbird is one of the most beautiful creatures on Earth, not only because they have a small body, but their feathers, which contain some bright and beautiful colors, make them look like tiny jewels. In other words, we can say that they are the jewels of heaven.

These beautiful birds feed on nectar, insects and spiders. Some of their favorite plants are Hamelia patens (Rubiaceae), Chrysobalanus icaco (Chrysobalanaceae), Pavonia paludicola (Malvaceae), Forsteronia corymbosa (Apocynaceae), Lysiloma latisiliquum (Mimosaceae), and Turnera ulmifolia (Passifloraceae).

Octopus Wolfi

Octopus Wolfi, also known as the star-sucker pygmy octopus, is the smallest octopus on this planet and are also members of the Cephalopoda family. Researchers say that this interesting and cute creature lives in the waters of the western Pacific, around Tahiti. 

Studies have shown that all Octopus Wolfis will die after spawning and brooding. When it comes to mating behavior, the male is the one who tries different tricks to conquer the female. 

Even though the Octopus Wolfi looks like a coral, they are actually small creatures that can be found in the waters of the Pacific, and this is simply wonderful. This is proof that we are surrounded only by beautiful things in this big world, by incredible creatures that many of us have never heard of until now. 

Pygmy Marmoset

The Pygmy Marmoset, also known as mini monkey, is the smallest species of monkeys native to South America. Pygmy Marmosets weigh around 100 grams and are so small that they could fit in the palm of your hand. However, although they are the tiniest monkeys out there, their tails are longer than their bodies. 

They spend their time in the trees, forest canopy, or bamboo thickets near rivers and they love to hide among the plants. The most common predators of Pygmy Marmosets are cats, harpy eagles, hawks, and snakes. Fortunately, they have a very flexible neck which helps them turn their heads backward to notice the predators and their superpower is speed. 

In addition, as many of you already know, these tiny monkeys are excellent climbers, which is great for evading and escaping predators in some cases or for gathering food. They feed on various veggies, fruits, crickets, mealworms, wax worms and are particularly fond of hard-boiled eggs. Interesting, right?

Pygmy Marmosets usually live in large groups called troops. Troops are made up of parents and children, which means that parents mate for life and they are like a real family. The female marmoset can be pregnant for about four months and give birth to up to four babies the size of a human finger. The father is the one who takes care of the babies in general, but, as with any other animal, there might be exception. In the end, survival is what matters the most, so partners will switch trades if they really have to.

Mouse Lemur

The mouse lemurs are nocturnal lemurs that can only be found in Madagascar. These small creatures are the tiniest primates in the world, and unfortunately, are endangered, as are other species of lemurs. The mouse lemur is omnivorous, which means that their diet contains insects, arthropods, small vertebrates, gum, fruits, flowers, nectar and leaves. 

Being nocturnal, these tiny creatures have developed some auditory and vocal systems that help them survive and run away from predators. In addition, the mouse lemur has the smallest brain of all primates out there (around two grams). 

According to animal experts, mouse lemurs are just like humans because they can develop certain neurological disorders similar to Alzheimer’s disease and dementia in humans. 

Northern Pygmy Owl

The northern pygmy owl, also known as Glaucidium californicum, is the smallest species of owls that inhabit in North America. The adult northern pygmy owl is about 17 cm in length and lives in temperate, subtropical and tropical moist forest, savanna and wetlands. 

Their size and colors help them hide from predators and humans. In general, the female lays up to seven eggs and their nest is in different trees. During this process, the male northern pygmy owl hunts brings food and defends the territory. Quite a wonder, right?

That being said, these tiny and cute owls feed on small mammals, and birds (they usually hunt at bird feeders) and various insects. The northern pygmy owls hunt by day and they perch on tops of trees.

Photo by praphab louilarpprasert from Shutterstock

Fennec Fox

The fennec fox, or the desert fox, is the tiniest species of foxes in the world. I think we can all recognize them by their big ears and angelic face. Fennec fox can be found in the Sahara desert and other regions of North Africa.

These beautiful foxes usually behave like dogs and some people even adopt them. However, even though they can be adopted as pets, it doesn’t mean that they are easy to train or that they don’t have wild instincts that can actually be dangerous to humans. So, try to pay more attention to this aspect if you want to adopt a fennec fox. According to animal experts, most of the time, fennec foxes are not so friendly with humans. 

Unlike other domestic pets, the wild fennec fox is mostly nocturnal, which means that they will be active at night and this can be another problem if you want to adopt one as a pet. In other words, it may be quite difficult for you to play with them during the hours when you should be sleeping. Fennec foxes usually feed on insects, small mammals and birds. 

These beautiful tiny foxes love to play with people from time to time, but most of the time they prefer to be alone and if you don’t respect it, they can become aggressive. The fennec fox is also very talkative, so if you want a quiet pet, this species of fox isn’t the one for you. We can’t have fennec foxes as pets, but this doesn’t mean that we can’t have fennec foxes – plush versions!

Denise’s Pygmy Seahorse

Denise’s Pygmy Seahorse, also known as Hippocampus Denise, is the smallest species of a seahorse on Earth and can be found in the waters of the western Pacific. This type of seahorse can reach a maximum length of 3 cm. Denise’s Pygmy Seahorse can change their colors, which helps them camouflage. 

If you want to know more about wild animals, here’s what we recommend reading: Watch Out for These Deadly Animals Living in the Grand Canyon

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